Monday, April 23, 2007

Politicians on the role of Boris Yeltsin in the history of Russia

We started to receive the first comments about the role of Boris Yeltsin in the history of Russia. According to Deputy Duma Speaker Vladimir Katrenko, the loss of the first President ended an era in the life of our country. Vice-Speaker of the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly noted that Yeltsin has made a "burden of responsibility" in one of the most radical and critical moments in Russian history. According to the deputies who may have different views on the evaluation of the first President of Russia, but it is "beautiful entered into power, as it is confined to the wheel and beautiful and dignified retired from big politics, handing the lever of government to his successor." B. Katrenko recalled that Yeltsin would govern the country at a time when there was the emergence of democracy and that this is a tribute. Vice-Speaker of the State Duma Vladimir Pehtin said that Borise Eltsine Russian society was free and began to develop democratic institutions. He also concurred with the view that the death of the first President of Russia "takes an entire era." My condolences on the passing of Mr. Yeltsin was hired and the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. "Life ordered so that our destinies perekrestilis, and we had to act at a time when the country was experiencing major changes," the channel quoted his words "Vesti-24." As M. Gorbachev, "was a great deal as we went, and were big differences, and this is affecting the political process." "But at this time I am home Yeltsin its deepest condolences" he says.

Died first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin

Today in Moscow suddenly passed away first president, Boris Yeltsin, Russia, the press service said heads of the Russian State. Unofficial estimates put the death was due to heart stoppage. Yeltsin was standing for the post of president of Russia in 1991 and 1996gg. He was one of the initiators of the Soviet Union. The official statistics. voluntarily handed over presidential powers to his successor Vladimir Putin before the presidential term. B. Yeltsin was born on 1 February 1931g. in the village of Butka Talitskogo the Sverdlovsk region. The 1955g. Graduated from Faculty of construction Urals Polytechnic Florida. After university worked in the specialty, an index wizard to head Sverdlovskogo domostroitelnogo plant. In tember. Yeltsin took the CPSU, and 1968g. was invited to the party work. In VII. Yeltsin was appointed secretary, and 1976g. - First Secretary of Sverdlovsk Young KPSS. First President of Russia has produced three books : "Confession with a theme" (census), "Notes of the President" (1994g.) and the "Presidential Marathon" (4c).

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Funny :)

In the first round of elections in France defeated N. Sarkozy

The counting of ballots at 100% of French presidential elections leader of the ruling right-wing party the Union for Popular Movement, Nicolas Sarkozy won 31,11% of votes kandidat-sotsialist Segolen Ruayal 25,84% of the votes. Thus, both candidates went in the second round of elections as head of state. Chapter centrist "Union for French Democracy Francois Bayru won 18,55% of the vote, the leader of the extreme right National Front, Jean-Marie Le Pen's 10.51%. To win in the second round of one of the presidential candidates must receive more than 50% of the vote. The second round of elections is scheduled for May 6. And according to opinion polls, the victory in the 54% majority victory N. Sarkozy. Such figures lead Reuters, referring to the research company Ipsos. Opponent N. Sarkozy for a second round of S. Ruayal can count on 46% of the vote. Remember, according to interviews with people leaving the polling stations (exit-polls), it was announced that N. Sarkozy received 29-30,8% of the votes, S. Ruayal - 25,8-26%, F. Bayru is about 18%, ZH.M. Le Pen is about 11%. The data were published exit-polls Belgian media, as well as to the closing of the polls published polls banned in France. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of France, voter turnout was 74%, which was a record high over the past 16 years. Compared with participants. This year alone, the number of voters has increased by 3.3 million people, to 44.5 million The French overseas territories even before the voting started. Residents of French Guiana, the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, French Polynesia (about 1 million people) voted on April 21.

In France began presidential election

In France today are presidential elections. Polling stations opened at 8:00 am local time. The French overseas territories began voting started yesterday. Residents of French Guiana, the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, French Polynesia, only about one million people chose President on April 21. According to opinion polls, the leaders of the electoral race are representative of the ruling Union for Popular Movement, a former head of the Interior Ministry Nicolas Sarkozy, candidate of the opposition Socialist Party Segolen Royal, the leader of the far right National Front, Jean-Marie Le Pen and Centrist leader Francois Bayru. Total for the presidency will be fought 12 candidates. While the first round of elections did not identify the winner, the second will be held on May 6.

In the Ukraine, hit a school bus accident

The Volyn region of Ukraine has a school bus and a car. As a result, two people, including a child, were killed, three injured, RBK-Ukraina passes. According to the Ministry for Emergency Situations today, the accident happened at 17:15 Moscow time on April 21 near the village of Stary Chertoryysk road Kiev-Kovel. The bus driver GAZ-53 "Kuban", in which 11 students were riding the eleventh grade public school curriculum Tsminy village, visiting the main road, not missed Audi-A6 car. The blows fire. The accident killed the driver of the car and one student. The bus driver and two teenagers with injuries of varying hospitalized.

In the United States, because of the threat of terrorist attack evacuated passenger jet

In the United States because of the threat of terrorist attack evacuated passenger jet in the United States because of the threat of terrorist attack were evacuated passengers and crew of a passenger jet, which was scheduled to fly to San Antonio-Dallas route. According to the San Antonio International Airport (Texas), has received several reports of an imminent explosion in the first terminal of the airport. After the evacuation of the aircraft was towed to a safe area, where a group vzryvotehnikov examined him. On board an aircraft explosive devices and hazardous substances have been found. Passengers were allowed back on board the aircraft, which took off with a two late in Dallas. FBI filed charges of terrorist threat passes Associated Press.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Palestinian militants attacked Israel

Palestinian militants fired three rockets at Israeli territory. One of them hit a residential house in g.Sderot. The victims and injured had been, but few people went to the hospital to be treated for shock, transmits Associated Press.

Responsibility for the attack have entered into factions Islamic Jihad, "Popular Resistance Committees" and "Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades".

In turn, Israeli troops have responded in kind : they have aviaudar on the Gaza Strip. The attack killed one Palestinian and another was wounded. The car in which the two Palestinians was parked in the vicinity of the site launch.

Earlier today, Israeli troops killed three Palestinian militants in the West Bank r.Iordan. Soldiers fired at the car with extremists in g.Dzhenin and killed all inside. Among the destroyed militants were two members of the "Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades".

While Israel and Palestinian militants targeted each other's territories, Head of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Mahmoud Abbas arrived on a visit to Greece. This trip he commits the European Tour, the primary objective of which is to persuade the European Union to lift economic sanctions imposed in January WIND. in response to the assumption of power in the autonomy radical faction Hamas.

The programme of a three-day visit to Greece M. Abbas, his meeting with President Karolos Papoulias, Prime Minister Karamanlis Konstantinosom, Foreign Minister Doroy Bakoyanni and the leaders of the opposition party.

According to M. Abbas, the autonomy sanctions should be lifted, since the new Palestinian government was more moderate than the former. Its membership included not only representatives of the radical group Hamas, but also moderate members of the Fatah movement, as well as independent policies. However, the EU is insisting that Hamas first renounce armed struggle, recognized the right of the Jewish state to exist and pledged to abide by all previous peace agreements with Israel.

European Tour M. Abbas also includes visits to France, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden and Bulgaria.

USA stands for a strong dollar

USA stands for a strong dollar MOF United States favours a strong dollar, Minister of Finance USA Henry Polson said that a "great supporter of a strong dollar." At the same time, he noted the need to further strengthen the Chinese yuan against the United States currency transfers Reuters. According to the Minister, the United States is conducive to a strong dollar. "I think you know that I am confident that the strong dollar for the benefit of our country, and I am a great supporter of the rates set in open and competitive market," said G. Polson in an interview. American Minister noted that the dollar is determined in a competitive market on the basis of economic fundamentals, USA. In doing so, he believes that China should allow further strengthening of the yuan because the country is moving "toward the time when the exchange rate can be set in a competitive market." "It's a little bit unnatural, that they are so much a part of the terms of goods and services, but with the currency still has not gotten around," said G. Polson.
April 21, 2007