Saturday, April 21, 2007

Palestinian militants attacked Israel

Palestinian militants fired three rockets at Israeli territory. One of them hit a residential house in g.Sderot. The victims and injured had been, but few people went to the hospital to be treated for shock, transmits Associated Press.

Responsibility for the attack have entered into factions Islamic Jihad, "Popular Resistance Committees" and "Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades".

In turn, Israeli troops have responded in kind : they have aviaudar on the Gaza Strip. The attack killed one Palestinian and another was wounded. The car in which the two Palestinians was parked in the vicinity of the site launch.

Earlier today, Israeli troops killed three Palestinian militants in the West Bank r.Iordan. Soldiers fired at the car with extremists in g.Dzhenin and killed all inside. Among the destroyed militants were two members of the "Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades".

While Israel and Palestinian militants targeted each other's territories, Head of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Mahmoud Abbas arrived on a visit to Greece. This trip he commits the European Tour, the primary objective of which is to persuade the European Union to lift economic sanctions imposed in January WIND. in response to the assumption of power in the autonomy radical faction Hamas.

The programme of a three-day visit to Greece M. Abbas, his meeting with President Karolos Papoulias, Prime Minister Karamanlis Konstantinosom, Foreign Minister Doroy Bakoyanni and the leaders of the opposition party.

According to M. Abbas, the autonomy sanctions should be lifted, since the new Palestinian government was more moderate than the former. Its membership included not only representatives of the radical group Hamas, but also moderate members of the Fatah movement, as well as independent policies. However, the EU is insisting that Hamas first renounce armed struggle, recognized the right of the Jewish state to exist and pledged to abide by all previous peace agreements with Israel.

European Tour M. Abbas also includes visits to France, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden and Bulgaria.

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