Monday, April 23, 2007

Politicians on the role of Boris Yeltsin in the history of Russia

We started to receive the first comments about the role of Boris Yeltsin in the history of Russia. According to Deputy Duma Speaker Vladimir Katrenko, the loss of the first President ended an era in the life of our country. Vice-Speaker of the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly noted that Yeltsin has made a "burden of responsibility" in one of the most radical and critical moments in Russian history. According to the deputies who may have different views on the evaluation of the first President of Russia, but it is "beautiful entered into power, as it is confined to the wheel and beautiful and dignified retired from big politics, handing the lever of government to his successor." B. Katrenko recalled that Yeltsin would govern the country at a time when there was the emergence of democracy and that this is a tribute. Vice-Speaker of the State Duma Vladimir Pehtin said that Borise Eltsine Russian society was free and began to develop democratic institutions. He also concurred with the view that the death of the first President of Russia "takes an entire era." My condolences on the passing of Mr. Yeltsin was hired and the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. "Life ordered so that our destinies perekrestilis, and we had to act at a time when the country was experiencing major changes," the channel quoted his words "Vesti-24." As M. Gorbachev, "was a great deal as we went, and were big differences, and this is affecting the political process." "But at this time I am home Yeltsin its deepest condolences" he says.

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