Sunday, April 22, 2007

In the first round of elections in France defeated N. Sarkozy

The counting of ballots at 100% of French presidential elections leader of the ruling right-wing party the Union for Popular Movement, Nicolas Sarkozy won 31,11% of votes kandidat-sotsialist Segolen Ruayal 25,84% of the votes. Thus, both candidates went in the second round of elections as head of state. Chapter centrist "Union for French Democracy Francois Bayru won 18,55% of the vote, the leader of the extreme right National Front, Jean-Marie Le Pen's 10.51%. To win in the second round of one of the presidential candidates must receive more than 50% of the vote. The second round of elections is scheduled for May 6. And according to opinion polls, the victory in the 54% majority victory N. Sarkozy. Such figures lead Reuters, referring to the research company Ipsos. Opponent N. Sarkozy for a second round of S. Ruayal can count on 46% of the vote. Remember, according to interviews with people leaving the polling stations (exit-polls), it was announced that N. Sarkozy received 29-30,8% of the votes, S. Ruayal - 25,8-26%, F. Bayru is about 18%, ZH.M. Le Pen is about 11%. The data were published exit-polls Belgian media, as well as to the closing of the polls published polls banned in France. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of France, voter turnout was 74%, which was a record high over the past 16 years. Compared with participants. This year alone, the number of voters has increased by 3.3 million people, to 44.5 million The French overseas territories even before the voting started. Residents of French Guiana, the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, French Polynesia (about 1 million people) voted on April 21.

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