Monday, April 23, 2007

Died first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin

Today in Moscow suddenly passed away first president, Boris Yeltsin, Russia, the press service said heads of the Russian State. Unofficial estimates put the death was due to heart stoppage. Yeltsin was standing for the post of president of Russia in 1991 and 1996gg. He was one of the initiators of the Soviet Union. The official statistics. voluntarily handed over presidential powers to his successor Vladimir Putin before the presidential term. B. Yeltsin was born on 1 February 1931g. in the village of Butka Talitskogo the Sverdlovsk region. The 1955g. Graduated from Faculty of construction Urals Polytechnic Florida. After university worked in the specialty, an index wizard to head Sverdlovskogo domostroitelnogo plant. In tember. Yeltsin took the CPSU, and 1968g. was invited to the party work. In VII. Yeltsin was appointed secretary, and 1976g. - First Secretary of Sverdlovsk Young KPSS. First President of Russia has produced three books : "Confession with a theme" (census), "Notes of the President" (1994g.) and the "Presidential Marathon" (4c).